About Us


    About Us

    We Instill general awareness and academic excellence by providing strong foundation to support our dear ones to take “Big Steps with their Little Feet”

    Our Vision

    Our vision is to provide the highest quality of preschool Montessori education to nurture, encourage and guide children so that they excel in all their endeavors.

    Our Mission

    Our mission is to encourage an environment that is stimulating, nurturing and supportive to young children to provide an opportunity to access affordable and quality Montessori education.
    Our Values
    Our values are determined to welcome all children without regard to race, color, religion, Gender or national origin. Dedicated to striving for continuous improvement in serving the children and their families.
    Our Goals
    Our goals are to create a safe heaven for our children that fosters happiness. We maintain a strong rapport with our children and parents and foster a work environment which value ethics, professionalism, creativity and growth. We continue to learn skills to improve a nursery to unable to enable us to serve the community better.

    Happy Environment

    Active Learning

    Creative Lessons

    Amazing Playground
